Boost your credit score by asking for a credit line increase:
Your credit utilization ratio is something lenders use to see how you’re managing your available credit. For example, if you have a $15,000 available credit limit and a $400 balance, you’re utilizing little of your available credit, so you look strong. If you carry that same $400 balance on a card with a $500 credit limit, you’ve borrowed nearly as much as you can, making you appear more risky to lenders.
While paying off your balance is the best solution, a quick fix that improves your credit score while paying off debt is to simply call your credit card company and asked if they will increase your available credit limit. Possible boost: 15 points.
Your credit utilization ratio is something lenders use to see how you’re managing your available credit. For example, if you have a $15,000 available credit limit and a $400 balance, you’re utilizing little of your available credit, so you look strong. If you carry that same $400 balance on a card with a $500 credit limit, you’ve borrowed nearly as much as you can, making you appear more risky to lenders.
While paying off your balance is the best solution, a quick fix that improves your credit score while paying off debt is to simply call your credit card company and asked if they will increase your available credit limit. Possible boost: 15 points.