Protect your credit score:
Once your credit score is in the prime range, do everything you can to protect it. When you have several late payments, collection accounts, and charge-offs, one mistake won’t hurt you too much, but when you have a near-perfect credit score, even one late payment will cause a big drop. Make sure you pay your bills on time, don’t max out your credit cards, and never co-sign for someone else’s debt. If the co-signer doesn’t pay the bill, your credit could end up worse than ever before. And always protect your credit information from fraud and identity theft!
Once your credit score is in the prime range, do everything you can to protect it. When you have several late payments, collection accounts, and charge-offs, one mistake won’t hurt you too much, but when you have a near-perfect credit score, even one late payment will cause a big drop. Make sure you pay your bills on time, don’t max out your credit cards, and never co-sign for someone else’s debt. If the co-signer doesn’t pay the bill, your credit could end up worse than ever before. And always protect your credit information from fraud and identity theft!